Ramesh C Gupta
Consultant, RNB Global University Bikaner India & Former vice chancellor, Radha Govind University, India, E-mail: guptaramesh994@gmail.com
Another cosmetology conference has been successfully completed the 2nd Edition. We must thank the attendees, Holiday Inn Paris, Conference Centre Staff, the Organizing Committee, Ad-Sponsors, Media partners and everyone else that helped to make this 2nd International Conference on Cosmetology & Dermatology with the theme, Healthy Skin is a Reflection of Overall Wellness a huge successful conference.
Our Attendees obtained the kind of advance technical information in the arena of dermatology that they were seeking, and that their role in the field has been enhanced via their participation. They were able to take part in all the sessions and take advantage of the tremendous advancements in cosmetology and dermatology that scientists are working with.
The Majorly Focused Highlights for our cosmetology 2019 Conference were Medical Dermatology, Cosmetic Dermatology, Derma-Pathology, Pediatric Dermatology, Plastic Surgery, Cosmetology And Trichology, Hair Transplantation, Affects And Side Effects Of Cosmetics, Dermatological Ailments, Psoriasis, Skin Cancer Biology, Advances In Cosmetology And Dermatology, etc.
Dr. Audrey Gueniche, Senior Clinical Expert, LOREAL Research & Innovation, France
Dr. Daniel Aberdam, Research Director, INSERM, France
Dr. Daniel de Rossi Fattaccioli, Professor, National University of Tacna, America
Dr. Abdurrahman Almurayshid, Director of Dermatology, Prince Sattam University, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Monique Simmonds, Deputy Director of Science, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, England
Dr. Kit Wallen-Russell, Co-founder / R & D and sales Director, JooMo Ltd, United Kingdom
Dr. Audrey Gueniche, Loreal Research and Innovation, France
Dr. Tracy B Evans, California Pacific Medical Center, USA
Dr. Tal Offer, Lycored Ltd, Israel
Dr. Anita Mandal, Mandal Plastic Surgery Center, USA
Dr. Camila Folle, University of Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Anil Rajput, Gujarat University, India
Dr. Amani Saad, Qweenmary's University of London, UK
Dr. Qian Xu, Skin Aesthetics, UK
Dr. Edlira Neza, University Aldent, Albania
Dr. Alicia Roso, SEPPIC, France
Dr. Shu Maoguo, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Dr. Endang Purwati, University of Andalas, Indonesia
Dr. Alizee LE RICHE, Université Paris-Diderot, France
Dr. M Bimonte, Arterra Bioscience srl, Italy
Dr. Izabela Załęska, University of Physical Education, Poland
Dr. Veranika Liubiankova, Mogilev Regional Dermatology and Venerology Centre, Belarus
Hence, Cosmetology 2019 gave justice to the theme “Healthy Skin is a Reflection of Overall Wellness”
All thanks to our Media partners also for associating with us.
Crowd Reviews, Enliven Archive, Kind Congress, Manuscript Edit, Pink Medico, Placid Way, Tabeeby, The Pharma Times and Vydya Health.