Editorial on Evolution of Coronavirus

Sophia Roberts

Published Date: 2021-03-30
Sophia Roberts*

Managing Editor, Journal Rare Disorders: Diagnosis & Therapy, United Kingdom

*Corresponding Author:
Sophia Roberts
Managing Editor
Journal Rare Disorders: Diagnosis & Therapy, United Kingdom
E-mail: raredisorders@emedicaljournals.org

Received Date: March 23, 2021; Accepted Date: April 16, 2021; Published Date: April 23, 2021

Citation: Roberts S (2021) Editorial on Evolution of Coronavirus. J Rare Disord Diagn Ther Vol.7 No.4:16.

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What Is Coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness such as respiratory diseases or gastrointestinal diseases. They have been responsible for three major viral diseases Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) and COVID-19. A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been identified in humans previously and called COVID-19. The virus causing it is SARSCoV- 2. Coronaviruses are zoonotic.

What are symptoms of COVID-19?

• Cough

• Fever or chills

• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

• Muscle or body aches

• Sore throat

• New loss of taste or smell

• Diarrhea

• Headache

• New fatigue

• Nausea or vomiting

• Congestion or runny nose

Coronavirus Risk Factors

SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19 infects people of all ages. Older people and People with serious chronic illnesses such as Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Chronic respiratory disease, Cancer, Hypertension, Chronic liver disease are at a higher risk of getting severe COVID-19 disease. These conditions could lead to severe COVID-19 illness: Moderate to severe asthma, Diseases that affect your blood vessels and blood flow to your brain, Cystic fibrosis, High blood pressure, A weakened immune system because of a blood or bone marrow transplant, HIV, or medications like corticosteroids, Dementia, Liver disease, Pregnancy, Damaged or scarred lung tissue (pulmonary fibrosis), Smoking, Thalassemia and Type 1 diabetes.

Coronavirus Transmission

The virus (SARS-CoV-2) mainly spreads from person to person. Researchers identified that the new coronavirus is spread through droplets released into the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets generally do not travel more than a few feet, and they fall to the ground or onto surfaces in a few seconds - this is why physical distancing is effective in preventing the spread. The incubation period of COVID-19 is currently understood to be between 2 to 14 days [1-4]. This means that if a person remains well after 14 days after being in contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19, they are not infected.

Preventing Transmission

1. Stay up to date with the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak through WHO updates or your local and national public health authority.

2. Perform hand hygiene frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub if your hands are not visibly dirty or with soap and water if hands are dirty.

3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

4. Practice respiratory hygiene by coughing or sneezing into a bent elbow or tissue and then immediately disposing of the tissue.

5. Wear a medical mask if you have respiratory symptoms and performing hand hygiene after disposing of the mask.

6. Maintain social distancing (approximately 2 meters) from individuals with respiratory symptoms.

7. If one have fever, cough and difficulty breathing seek medical care.

How is COVID-19 diagnosed?

A COVID-19 diagnostic testing kit has been developed and is available in clinical testing labs.

How is COVID-19 treated?

There is not a specific treatment available for the virus. People who become ill from COVID-19 should be treated with supportive measures: those that relieve symptoms. As of September 30, 2020, 1,008,411 deaths have been attributed to COVID-19. However, 23,419,066 people have recovered from the illness.


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