Ramesh C Gupta
Consultant, RNB Global University Bikaner India & Former vice chancellor, Radha Govind University, India, E-mail: guptaramesh994@gmail.com
This award is to the experts who have made exceptional commitments to progressing in cosmetology and dermatology. It is the most prestigious and respected award of the whole congress and is tagged as scientific service Achievement award. The qualification criteria for accomplishing this honour is that one should have minimum of 20+ years of experience in the relative field in public or private sector. The receiver of this award should have a dedicated fascination and should take initiative in researching the recent developments and trends towards the related subjects. You can choose deserving person of the award through online.
The Award for experts or academic research activity procured in cosmetology and dermatology research field in the public or private sector for professionals having research knowledge for 10+ years in the field of cosmetology and dermatology with most relevant accomplishments. Part-time research experience would be considered as pro-rata. It is calculated starting from the beginning like the date when you obtained the (first) degree qualifying you to embark on a doctorate (either in the country where the degree was obtained or in the country in which the researcher is enlisted), regardless of whether a doctorate was never started or envisaged. You can choose deserving person of the award through online.
The gathering offers Scholar Level Award for the forthcoming researchers, scientists and experts having 10+ years research experience in the field of cosmetology and dermatology. Our conference would like to provide best stage to extend your network by sharing your research knowledge and information at stage. Presentation includes 25-35 minutes of oral talk on the scientific research subjects dependent on the theme of the conference alongside 5-10 minutes panel discussion. You can nominate deserving person of the award through online.
Our Conference gives a remarkable stage for women researchers for giving most recent research projects with an in-depth analysis. We cordially welcome women researchers and scientists from Universities/ Industries to who have 10+ years of research experience to join the gathering. We are glad to encourage our women scientist’s members through research awards and give assistance for women scientists in career improvement and research guidance through our collaborations. Women Scientist can assign deserving person of the award through online.
This honour is recognizing for individual who will present their projects, strategies, techniques, plans and schemes that have been implemented to improve long-term excellence in cosmetology and dermatology. You can select deserving person of the award through online.
This award recognizes the best Keynote speaker who will exhibit their projects, strategies, methodologies and schemes that have been implemented to improve longterm excellence in cosmetology and dermatology. If you were confirmed as keynote presenter from the program administrator, you can nominate somebody deserving of the award through online.
Student Poster Competition is composed at our Conference, to empower students and recent graduates to present their unique research. All accepted abstracts will be presented at the poster sessions during the congress. EuroSciCon aims at setting a stage for all the budding scientists and researchers to present their real-time work and share their perspectives and aspects belongs to the theme of the conference. You can choose someone deserving of the award through online.
This award is recognizing for Masters/Ph.D./Post Doctorate thesis work Presentation who will exhibit their projects and thesis that have been implemented to improve long-term excellence in the field of cosmetology and dermatology. You can choose someone deserving of the award through online.